It's a beautiful day already and I hope you slept like a baby? Well, I believe that if you are reading this, you are safe and well. This message is just to encourage you once more to always hope for the better days ahead and although, it's not looking it, I want you to hang in there for we would survive this and come out victorious. Since the outbreak of this virus, COVID 19, a lot of persons, friends, family members, loved ones and even those we don't know have lost their lives trying to survive the attack of this pandemic but still, they traveled to the other side. You are alive today and that means, you still got something to offer your world and because of that, I am pushed to write you this early so that you start the first day of this week on a promising and optimistic side. I know we have been through a lot, we even lack the basic things we need to survive as humans which are food, proper health care and so on. I want you to know that we are going to pass thr