Take time to always tell your partner how much you love him/her, even if you don't have the money to buy a gift to accompany your spoken words, you should just say the three words "I love you" more often and let it be from your heart and not just words that flew out of your mouth mistakenly.
Let your relationship be a kind that when you both meet even if you don't discuss anything and go back to your base, you will feel it's the best conversation you have ever had. Showing you love your partner must not only be when gifts are available.
Love him/her dearly with all your heart in any season be it good or bad. Gifts must not come from the males alone, females, you can do better. Remember, what a man can do a woman can do better.
Don't forget to tell him/her you love her today.
Let your relationship be a kind that when you both meet even if you don't discuss anything and go back to your base, you will feel it's the best conversation you have ever had. Showing you love your partner must not only be when gifts are available.
Love him/her dearly with all your heart in any season be it good or bad. Gifts must not come from the males alone, females, you can do better. Remember, what a man can do a woman can do better.
Don't forget to tell him/her you love her today.
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