St. Hesychius of Jerusalem
The birth details of this saint are not known. He is better known in the Russian Orthodox Church. He was born and educated at Jerusalem. On becoming adult he left his home and lived an ascetic life. He was a priest and a monk and was respected as a theologian and a bible commentator. He was consecrated as a presbyter by the Patriarch of Jerusalem in the year 412 A.D.
He worked with St. Jerome and St. Cyril of Alexandria in writing comments of the bible. Hesychius is also mentioned in the life of St. Euthymius by Cyril of Scythopolis.
The birth details of this saint are not known. He is better known in the Russian Orthodox Church. He was born and educated at Jerusalem. On becoming adult he left his home and lived an ascetic life. He was a priest and a monk and was respected as a theologian and a bible commentator. He was consecrated as a presbyter by the Patriarch of Jerusalem in the year 412 A.D.
He worked with St. Jerome and St. Cyril of Alexandria in writing comments of the bible. Hesychius is also mentioned in the life of St. Euthymius by Cyril of Scythopolis.
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