Scripture Reading: Job 42:10-17
That God will restore us is not a word of consolation but a confirmation of what God has promised to do. Dear Child of God, for us to understand restoration that comes from God we must first know who steals from us, second, appreciate that for restoration to be successful, the one who restores to us what was stolen MUST be greater and mightier than the one who stole. We should therefore know what was stolen from us and direct specific prayers to end such activities of the thief. You may be praying for financial breakthrough but what has been stolen by the devil is the ability to make wealth (the ideas and the hard work). Dear child of God the one who steals from us is the devil. Job suffered the loss of all he had because the devil was jealous of Job’s commitment to his Creator. Hear this pathetic story from a Christian brother. He took the money he had saved from his business to his village for the purpose of starting a building project. But his elder brother demolished the building which he had raised to lintel level. The brother sensing that this battle was not physical refused to engage in a physically fight, just as people expected; rather, he took the battle to the Lord and indeed the Lord intervened. After sometime, God blessed his business in an outstanding way and he raised a better building and even bought a car. Revelation 9:11 tell us point-blank who the devil is, “They have a king ruling over them, who is the angel in charge of the abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon; in Greek the name is Apollyon (meaning “The Destroyer”). The devil through different means takes away many things from children of God. The devil steals our finances by afflicting our health, business and even disasters.
The good news is that we have a God who can restore all things because, “The world and all that is in it belong to the Lord; the earth and all who live on it are his.” (Psalm 24:1) The devil stole what does not belong to him and such must be returned. Beloved, you do not need to doubt whether God can restore you or not. The God who through Elisha made the lost iron axe-head to float and be recovered (2 Kings 6:6) is still at work today. The good Lord who restored Lazarus’ life after some days in the grave can never fail. The Lord, who restored Naomi after she lost her sons and husband, blessed her with a grandson that formed part of the lineage of our Lord Jesus Christ is still our God. Beloved, daily, God’s love restores man from the position of sickness to health, financial penury to financial prosperity, gloom to glory, sinner to saint, darkness to light, pit to palace, death to life, etc. Hold on to Him, do not lose your confidence; our restorer will restore us again. Never let doubt or distrust in God, close your case of restoration which God has begun. Surely, “The expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off.”
Prayer Points:
- Take this song meditatively, “Restore to me the joy of my salvation, O God, You are my God.”
- In the name of Jesus, I break off of any limitations and restrictions placed on my life by evil spirits.
- According to 2 Chron. 4:10, bless me and enlarge my coast. Let Your hand be with me, and keep me from evil in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Every sacrifice, charm, incantation, embargo, pronouncements, evil links and networks pointing to my direction and life, be halted in the name of the risen LORD.
- As the sweetness of Your kingdom increases in my life, let EVERYTHING stolen from my life be returned by fire in the name of Jesus Christ. (take 7 times with faith).
Exercise: Observe a three-day mid-night prayers with the prayers on Terminating Satanic Covenants and Prayers Against the Forces of Darkness.
Memory Verse: 1 Peter 5:10.
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